2022 ASI Catalog
Mat Colors
All mats are Translucent except White, Black, Reflex Blue, Bright Orange, Purple, Dark Pink and Dark Teal.
Yellow PMS 120c
Natural (Frosted)
Neon Green PMS368c
Blue PMS 283c
Green PMS 3252c
Teal PMS 3258c
Grey PMS 415c
Pink PMS 182c
Red PMS 185c
Reflex Blue
Purple PMS 267c
Dark Pink PMS 676c
Dark Teal PMS 7713c
Bright Orange PMS 1505c
Hot Stamp Imprint Color Chart
Over 40 stock colors available including metallics
3000 PMS 292c
3100 PMS 288c
3200 PMS 2925c
3400 PMS 314c
3600 PMS 2728c
3700 PMS 294c
3500 PMS 2945c
1000 Black
4000 PMS 1215c
5600 PMS 375c
4200 PMS 115c
4450 PMS 123c
5000 PMS 5483c
5400 PMS 3292c
5500 PMS 3165c
5700 PMS 363c
3800 PMS 2768c
6700 PMS 202c
6300 PMS 197c
6400 PMS 185c
6500 PMS 186c
5900 PMS 356c
5950 PMS 3308c
5800 PMS 347c
6250 PMS 1915c
6600 PMS 200c
6750 PMS 2635c
6800 PMS 260c
6850 PMS 2617c
6900 PMS 5115c
7000 PMS 1505c
7400 PMS 1655c
7600 PMS 179c
8000 PMS 4635c
8100 PMS 4665c
8600 PMS 4975c
9200 PMS 431c
Silver Metallic
Gold Metallic
8200 PMS 1815c
9400 PMS 432c
8400 PMS 476c
9000 PMS 414c
Colors shown here may vary from actual products
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