2021 Highland Home Supplement to the 2020 Catalog

Welcome to our 2021 SUPPLEMENT

We are now HIGHLAND HOME Hello 2021! With all the uncertainty of 2020, events canceled and everyone confined to home, it was tempting to just throw out the old and bring in the new for a fresh new start. But, looking back, we realize our 2020 catalog with new items really never got the exposure it deserved, so we decided to keep it for 2021. Meanwhile, with all that time and nowhere to go, we continued to develop new products and follow the latest trends to create a catalog supplement of designs worthy of a fresh new start for 2021.

Don’t have a 2020 catalog? Contact your local rep or customer service to have a catalog mailed to you to see our full listing of over 300 pages of tabletop and serveware, kitchen and home décor products.


©Highland Home 2020 • www.conimar.com • 1-877-395-3473

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